define yourself
everybody is lonely. Most people pretend they are not. Some actually believe they are not lonely. These are usually the people you see at the raging parties acting like fools with a large group of other fools. Loneliness is a natural state of consciousness. Remember ignorance truly is bliss. The few who are in tune with the universe realize that they are indeed unique and that there is no-one who can truly understand their thoughts. In other words lonliness is the burden of the enlightened. It is the cross all intelligent people are FORCED to bear. The question is would you rather be ignorant and not FEEL lonely or intelligent and aware? You my friend are in line with all the great poets, philosophers, and artists. Pain gives character, character leads to charisma, and charisma leads to self fulfillment. A conscious being that has evolved complex means to deal with the everlasting struggle of life can never be truly happy but they can find comfort in discovering their place in the world. That may seem a long way off and all I say may seem distant and abstract but take comfort in knowing that ALL intelligent humans struggle with intense lonliness. Only the ignorant FEEL happy (indeed they are not). This response to your post will not make you happy but I hope it will help you feel less isolated. I was directed to this site by typing "i'm lonely" into my search engine. I do not suffer from Tourette's but I am lonely none the less. We all have our own demons to face every day. The key is to do just that, face them every day, with pride and confidence. Happiness is a futile pursuit sold on beer and car commercials. the reality is that we are all fragile little children posing as strong adults. The ones who pose best are merely the biggest fakers. This girl you like is no doubt as lonely as you are. She just does't show it.. Would you show your lonliness if you had a choice? All people are lonly by nature, this is why we yearn to be loved. I hope this response helps you. Always remember that you have the power to make the world a better place even if you do not have the power to make yourself "happy." Follow you heart when your head can not find the answer. Wake up tommorrow and do it again. That is the life we all lead despite what the movies portray. It is normal to be lonely!